Picnic Pix! :D
Since our lovely Mei Ling has done so well in making her inaugural post on our blog, must be supportive and add some photos to the list too! :) I must say, Bukit Jalil Park was really quite something (barring the suspect navigational skills of SOME of the Texties!) and it made for a really good time, so on with the pictures!!

As if we needed more reminders of which country we were in…

Lee, we’ll have something to eat later lah! I’m sure wood isn’t quite a healthy snack – even if it has a lot of fiber!

This curious water feature was right next to the little Malay hut ML mentioned…the water was pretty gross though!

ML’s looking all relaxed…the afternoon out in the sun really did do us a lot of good (not to mention boosted our Vitamin D levels considerably!)

The resident “Dai Kar Jeh” and “Cili Padi”…

“Oh Noo!!” Libs (check out the cute hat!) and “Myyyee Bayyybeeeee” Corina (internal joke!)

As always, the first order of the day wherever we go…FOOD! (or drinks, in this case)

Mr Lian as usual…cannot live without his phone, even when he’s napping!! He even brought his EeePC along! Seriously David, we HAVE to do something about this gadget addiction of yours…

Could there be a more perfect combination with Taboo and food? Texties may work hard, but hey, we know how to enjoy ourselves too!
hey... how come u didn't post any photos of sashi or david on silly poses? itz always me :(
^^ Pontianak ^^, At
9 May 2009 at 04:40
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